The “29th Gran Tour delle Colline” Circuit is a cultural event in the field of artistic photography consists of 4 Contest with 4 themes per contest and is sponsored by the FIAP, ISF, GPU, and FIAF and is organized by the Circolo Fotografico Arno (Italy).
43° Trofeo Arno: FIAF 2024M7–FIAP xxxxxx–ISF 2025/10–GPU L250027
34° Trofeo Città di Figline: FIAF 2024M8–FIAP xxxxxx–ISF 2025/11–GPU L250027
23° Trofeo Colline del Chianti: FIAF 2024M9–FIAP xxxxxx–ISF 2025/12–GPU L250027
23° Trofeo Colline del Pratomagno: FIAF 2024M10–FIAP xxxxxx–ISF 2025/13–GPU L250027
Chair: Fabio Pratellesi
Email: fabio.pratellesi@gmail.com
Address: Via Garibaldi 103, 50063 Figline e Incisa Valdarno (FI)
Entry Form: Available on the www.grantourdellecolline.it website
Website address: www.grantourdellecolline.it
Exhibition Software Provider: HPCM (Hiho Photo Contest Manager) program for the management of photographic competitions provided by HIHO srl.
Open Monochrome
Open Color
World in Focus (Color or Greyscale Monochrome)
Photojournalism (Color or Greyscale Monochrome)
Individual Fees
€40 (For members of the Italian Federation of Photographic Associations the fee is reduced to €34)
or $45 US per entrant, regardless of the category and is valid for all 4 contests.
The amount can be forwarded through PayPal to the following e-mail: info@arnofoto.it or by bank transfer to IBAN: IT93 U084 57054630 0000 0016486 – Swift: ICRAITRRCP0 (with payment by bank transfer it is mandatory to send the payment receipt to the address: info@arnofoto.it)
Group Fees:
From 10 to 20 Participants: 36,00 Euro – US$ 41,00
From 21 to 30 Participants: 34,00 Euro – US$ 39,00
From 31 to 50 Participants: 30,00 Euro – US$ 35,00
From 51 to 100 Participants: 28,00 Euro – US$ 33,00
Group Registration method: Each person in the group must complete the registration form. Upload the images using the appropriate form on the website. Do not make the payment from the website. The entire sum, i.e. the sum of the fees, must be paid via PayPal to the following e-mail: info@arnofoto.it or by bank transfer to IBAN: IT93 U084 57054630 0000 0016486 – Swift: ICRAITRRCP0. When done, send the list of participants and the payment receipt to info@grantourdellecolline.it. Each person in the group will be authorized to participate in the circuit.
The works not accompanied by the participation fee will not be accepted and will not have the right to participate.
Closing date: April 2, 2025
Judging Completed: April 13, 2025
Score Reports sent: April 23, 2025
On line gallery posted: April 23, 2025
Award ceremony: May 24, 2025
Catalog and Awards Submission: June 25, 2025
Trofeo Arno
Eros Ceccherini (Italia) EFIAP/g
Pantelis Kranos(Cipro) EFIAP/d3, MPSA, GMICS, GMHPS
Joan Gil Raga(Spagna) EFIAP/d1 MCEF/O MFCF4
Trofeo Città di Figline
Antonella Tomassi(Itala) AFI EFIAP/p GPU VIP2 CR2
Luc Mairesse (Belgio) MPSA SPSA. EFIAP/P
Jacky Martin (Francia) MFIAP, EFIAP/p
Trofeo Colline del Chianti
Gianni Martini (Italia) AFI – EFIAP/b – PPSA
Sophie Pouillon (Francia) EFIAP; PPSA; GPU CR2; RISF 7; ER ISF; GAPU
Trofeo Colline del Pratomagno
Luciano Cardonati (Italia) AFI EFIAF EFIAP/d3
Elisabeth Aemmer (Svizzera) EFIAP
Angelo Di Tommaso (Francia) MFIAP, EFIAP/P, EFPF, MFPF
The jury’s final decision is unquestionable and incontestable. The organizers shall send the unclaimed prizes at their own expenses but at the recipient risk.
1 x Best Author of the Circuit: Trophy and reimbursement of $ 500,00 US in Amazon vouchers.
4 x Best Author of the Contest: FIAP PIN and $ 200,00 US in Amazon vouchers.
4 x Best Photo of the Contest: Trophy and $ 200,00 US in Amazon vouchers.
4 x Best Photo of each Theme: FIAP Gold Medal.
Open Color | Open Mono | World in Focus | Photo Journalism |
1 Gold Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Gold Medal (GPU) | 1 Gold Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Gold Medal (ISF) |
1 Silver Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Silver Medal (GPU) | 1 Silver Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Silver Medal (ISF) |
1 Bronze Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Bronze Medal (GPU) | 1 Bronze Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Bronze Medal (ISF) |
3 Special Jury Prizes (FIAF Diploma) | 3 Special Jury Prizes (FIAF Diploma) | 3 Special Jury Prizes (ISF Diploma) | 3 Special Jury Prizes (ISF Diploma) |
12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon: 10 FIAP 2 GPU) | 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon: 10 FIAP 2 GPU) | 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon: 10 FIAP 2 GPU) | 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon:12 FIAP) |
Open Color | Open Mono | World in Focus | Photo Journalism |
1 Gold Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Gold Medal (GPU) | 1 Gold Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Gold Medal (ISF) |
1 Silver Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Silver Medal (GPU) | 1 Silver Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Silver Medal (ISF) |
1 Bronze Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Bronze Medal (GPU) | 1 Bronze Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Bronze Medal (ISF) |
3 Special Jury Prizes (FIAF Diploma) | 3 Special Jury Prizes (FIAF Diploma) | 3 Special Jury Prizes (ISF Diploma) | 3 Special Jury Prizes (ISF Diploma) |
12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon: 10 FIAP 2 GPU) | 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon: 10 FIAP 2 GPU) | 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon: 10 FIAP 2 GPU) | 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon:12 FIAP) |
Open Color | Open Mono | World in Focus | Photo Journalism |
1 Gold Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Gold Medal (GPU) | 1 Gold Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Gold Medal (ISF) |
1 Silver Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Silver Medal (GPU) | 1 Silver Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Silver Medal (ISF) |
1 Bronze Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Bronze Medal (GPU) | 1 Bronze Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Bronze Medal (ISF) |
3 Special Jury Prizes (FIAF Diploma) | 3 Special Jury Prizes (FIAF Diploma) | 3 Special Jury Prizes (ISF Diploma) | 3 Special Jury Prizes (ISF Diploma) |
12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon: 10 FIAP 2 GPU) | 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon: 10 FIAP 2 GPU) | 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon: 10 FIAP 2 GPU) | 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon:12 FIAP) |
Open Color | Open Mono | World in Focus | Photo Journalism |
1 Gold Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Gold Medal (GPU) | 1 Gold Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Gold Medal (ISF) |
1 Silver Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Silver Medal (GPU) | 1 Silver Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Silver Medal (ISF) |
1 Bronze Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Bronze Medal (GPU) | 1 Bronze Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Bronze Medal (ISF) |
3 Special Jury Prizes (FIAF Diploma) | 3 Special Jury Prizes (FIAF Diploma) | 3 Special Jury Prizes (ISF Diploma) | 3 Special Jury Prizes (ISF Diploma) |
12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon: 10 FIAP 2 GPU) | 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon: 10 FIAP 2 GPU) | 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon: 10 FIAP 2 GPU) | 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon:12 FIAP) |
For a total of 313 Rewards and $ 2,100.00 US in Amazon Coupons
PLEASE NOTE: The prizes cannot be cumulated in the same section of each contest but can be cumulated, in different sections of the same contest, up to a maximum of 2 of which 1 is Official.
Prizes transversal to sections/themes such as Best Author and Best Work of the contest are excluded from the account.
We therefore remind you that no more than 2 awards will be assigned, of which 1 Official (excluding those transversal to sections/themes), to the same author within the same competition (Patronage code).
The catalog will be produced in pdf, with all the winning works, the jury’s report and the list of admissible works and participants. And sent to all participants by email or by WeTransfer. From this edition all accepted photos will be inserted.The catalog is not available for download from the website.A download link will be provided. The file will be put in a cloud space of Circolo Fotografico Arno.
ON-Line Gallery
Statistics, minutes of the juries and both winning and admitted photographs will be published in the www.grantourdellecolline.it website and left there until the next edition. All entrants shall receive the results via email.
IMAGE AND ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: This exhibition is open to anyone; however, an entry may be rejected when the Sponsor or the Exhibition Organizers, in their reasonable discretion, believes the entry does not conform to exhibition rules. Membership in any photographic organization is not required.
Entries will not be accepted from any entrant who is on Penalties List for Ethics Violation. Entry fees are not refundable in these circumstances.
Image creation and ownership
In all sections of the exhibition, images must originate as photographs made by the entrant. They may not incorporate identifiable images produced by anyone else (for example: clip art, replacement skies, or stock images). Images created in whole or in part by image creation software (frequently called ‘AI’ images) are not allowed. Editing or alteration of images is permitted within the limits specified in the relevant section definitions that are available here https://psa-photo.org/page/division-definitions
Any person submitting or attempting to submit a totally AI generated image that does not begin with a light capture from the maker, from any Photographic Society of America exhibition, social media, event, or publication, other than for editorial purposes, shall be prohibited from PSA for a period of from 3 years to life.
Reproduction: The entrant permits the sponsors to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition. This may include low resolution posting on a website.
Entries will not be accepted from entrants who indicate that their images may not be reproduced in materials related to the exhibition. The exhibition assumes no liability of any misuse of copyright
Re-use of accepted images: Any image that has been accepted in this exhibition, past or present, may not be entered again in in any future instances of this exhibition. It may, of course, be entered in any other exhibitions but must always have the same title. Re-titling in another language is not allowed.
Entry: An Entry consists of, up to and including, four (4) images entered by a single entrant into the same Section. An entrant may only enter a specific Section once. Entrants may not enter identical or similar images into the same section or different sections of the same exhibition. Similar is defined as almost identical in subject, composition, props, lighting, or technique so that a reasonable person viewing the entries together would decide the entrant has duplicated the previous image except for minor changes.
Titles: Each image must have a unique title that relates to the content of the image. That unique title must be used for entry of that image or of an identical Image into any and all PSA-Recognized exhibitions. Titles must be 25 characters or fewer. No titles may be visible to the judges, and nothing in the image may identify the entrant. Titles may not include file extensions such as .jpg or .jpeg (or any other camera capture filenames such as IMG 471). Titles may not consist of personal identifiers possibly augmented by a number; or include words such as “untitled” or “no title”. Titles may not consist solely of numbers unless those numbers are prominently contained within the image, such as a contestant number in a race.
Color and Monochrome:
Color and Monochrome images from the same capture that share substantial pictorial content in common will be considered the same image and must be given the same title.
The images, of all themes, must be sent in JPG format with a size, pixel dimensions,
minimum 1920 and maximum 2500 on the longest side; Resolution 300 dpi; maximum 4MB; RGB color space. The length of the photo titles must not exceed 25 characters.
Submit up to 4 works per theme. Maximum total 16 Photos.
The same photo can’t be entered in different themes.
The color images can’t be presented as monochromatic photos.
Photos that have participated in previous editions will not be accepted.
For Italian photographers who belong to the FIAF, Italian Federation of Photographic Associations, in light of the FIAF Competition Regulations in force from 1 January 2023, images that have had admissions in years prior to 2023 can also participate in this initiative. However, please note that any admissions obtained with these images, while not incurring penalties, will not be counted in the FIAF Statistics. For the sake of completeness, please note that only images that may have had previous admissions in the years 2023, 2024 and 2025 will be counted in the FIAF Statistics, as well as, obviously, unpublished.
An entrant’s images will not be presented to the judges consecutively. An entrant’s four images will be distributed throughout four rounds of judging in that section. Distribution of images will be in the same round order as submitted by the entrant. At no stage will a judge be able to view all the entrant’s images together.
The judging will be carried out remotely from 4 to 11 April.
Each juror will use, for the initial vote, the HPCM (Hiho Photo Contest Manager) program for the management of photographic competitions provided by HIHO srl.
Each juror will express a vote, for each single photograph, from 3 to 9 according to their liking. Assigning a grade of 3 to off-topic works, 4 and 5 to the works, for him, not to be accepted, 6 and 7 to the works to be accepted, while 8 and 9 will be assigned to the works that the juror intends to nominate for a prize. Considering that each jury is composed of 3 elements, we will have a minimum vote of 9 and a maximum vote of 27.
The judges will use color calibrated equipment. The equipment used will be able to display the images at 100% of the image resolution.
Target Range for Acceptances is 25% (as required by FIAP)
By entering this exhibition, you are explicitly consenting to the personal details you have supplied, including physical addresses, email addresses, being held, processed and used by the exhibition organizers for purposes associated with this exhibition. You also explicitly consent to such information being sent to organizations that have accorded official recognition, patronage or accreditation to this exhibition. You acknowledge, agree and accept that by entering this exhibition, your participation status which includes your first and last name, name of the country used during registration n at the exhibition, number of sections entered and number of photos entered in those sections will be made public in a published status list and that the results of your entry shall be made public in exhibition gallery, exhibition catalog.
Statement on Subject Matter – applicable to all sections
The fundamental rule that must be observed at all times and applies to all sections offered in exhibitions is that the welfare of living creatures is more important than any photograph. This means that practices such as baiting of subjects with a living creature and removal of birds from nests, for the purpose of obtaining a photograph, are highly unethical, and such photographs are not allowed in any exhibition with PSA recognition. Under no circumstances may a living creature be placed in a situation where it will be killed, injured or stressed for the purpose of obtaining a photograph. Images that show live creatures being fed to captive animals, birds or reptiles are not permitted under any circumstances.
There are also concerns about the use of aerial photography, drones, helicopters, low flying aircraft. These should not cause any interference with other individuals or animals which causes a disturbance in their normal activity or disrupt the way any individuals or animals interact with their environment. Entrants in PSA recognized exhibitions should comply with all relevant laws and regulations, associated with aerial photography, in the country in which the image was taken.
An image is considered to be Monochrome only if it gives the impression of having no color (i.e. contains only shades of grey which can include pure black and pure white) OR it gives the impression of being a greyscale image that has been toned in one color across the entire image. (For example by Sepia, red, gold, etc.) A greyscale or multi-colored image modified or giving the impression of having been modified by partial toning, multi-toning or by the inclusion of spot coloring does not meet the definition of monochrome and shall be classified as a Color Work.
Greyscale Monochrome images may be entered for Nature, Photojournalism and Photo Travel but toned images are not permitted for these sections
Monochrome images may not be entered in color sections of PPD or PID.
Photojournalism Definitions
The theme “Reportage” / “Photojournalism” will include all photographs relating to
documentation of events and situations of contemporary life as evidence of everyday reality.
A fundamental element of this theme is therefore to document our time, the
people, the environment, work, difficult or simply interesting situations with particular attention to news and information which take on greater importance than the technical and artistic aspects.
By virtue of the “document photography” characteristic, it will not be possible to present constructed images or images which in any case misrepresent reality, such as, for example, shots of settings created for photographic use.
The photographs must be faithful to the original content photographed without insertions,
photomontages or any other form of manipulation that alters the veracity of the photographic representation.
Photojournalism entries are:
- images with informative content and emotional impact,
- reflecting the human presence in our world.
- The journalistic (story-telling) value of the image should receive priority over pictorial quality.
- Images that misrepresent the truth, such as those from events or activities arranged specifically for photography, or of subjects directed or hired for photography, are not eligible.
Photo “World in focus” Definitions
The works proposed in this type of theme can concern the entire range of photographs relating to architecture, culture, events, habits and customs, landscape, the physiognomy of people, food, native flora and fauna, etc. aiming to show the spirit of an era, the essence of a place, and its people and/or culture. Works taken from events organized to show habits, customs, events and manifestations typical of the place and the specific population are also permitted.
The photographs must be faithful to the original content photographed without insertions,
photomontages or any other form of manipulation that alters the truthfulness of the photographic representation. Digital manipulation to optimise an image in terms of finetuning of levels
and colors is allowed as long as the image is looking natural. The same counts for removal of dust or digital noise.
Techniques that add, relocate, replace, or remove any element of the original image, except by cropping, are not permitted
Content guidance:
- If the image is predominantly or exclusively a land-, sea- or cityscape, these “scapes” must include characteristic, distinctive and recognizable physical features, although it is not necessary that the image identify the exact location;
- Images that predominantly or exclusively depict people and their activities must illustrate a distinctive culture of a country, region, or continent;
- Images that predominately or exclusively depict animal populations are allowed, if the animals are in their native environment and are characteristic of that country, region, or continent;
- Portraits or other close-ups of people or objects, in addition to meeting the above paragraphs as applicable, must include elements depicting some of the surrounding environment to make it obvious that the image was not taken in a studio setting;
Editing Guidelines for Photojournalism and World in Focus
These sections require images to be truthful records, so there are limits on the amount of manipulation allowed.
Editing Guidelines
Processing or editing must be limited to making the image look as close to the original scene as possible, except that conversion to grayscale monochrome is allowed.
Allowed editing techniques:
- Cropping, straightening and perspective correction.
- Removal or correction of elements added by the camera or lens, such as dust spots, noise, chromatic aberration and lens distortion.
- Global and selective adjustments such as brightness, hue, saturation and contrast to restore the appearance of the original scene.
- Complete conversion of color images to grayscale monochrome.
- Blending of multiple images of the same subject and combining them in camera or with software (exposure blending or focus stacking);
- Image stitching – combining multiple images with overlapping fields of view that are taken consecutively (panoramas);
Editing techniques that are not allowed:
- Removing, adding to, moving or changing any part of an image, except for cropping and straightening.
- Adding a vignette during processing.
- Blurring parts of the image during processing to hide elements in the original scene.
- Darkening parts of the image during processing to hide elements in the original scene.
- All conversions other than to complete grayscale monochrome.
- Conversion of parts of an image to monochrome, or partial toning, desaturation or over-saturation of color
The Circolo Fotografico Arno Association, with the Patronage of FIAP-Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique, GPU– Global Photographic Union, ISF-Image Sans Frontiere, FIAF-Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche e PSA, is organizing the International Circuit of Digital Photography Contests: “29th Gran Tour delle Colline”, which includes the following events: Trofeo Arno, Trofeo Città di Figline, Trofeo Colline del Chianti and Trofeo Colline del Pratomagno.
The Gran Tour delle Colline is a cultural event in the field of artistic photography. The contest is open to all amateur and professional photographers worldwide. Entrants must own the copyright to all submitted photographs. The images must have been photographed in every part (even the smallest) by the entrant himself/herself.
The entrant shall be held responsible in handling any image rights or liberties of the subject matter of the photograph and shall irrevocably consent to the Promoters publishing the photographs.
By participating in the Circuit, the author authorizes the non-profit publication of his images (full or partial) on catalogs, screenings, websites, magazines and whatever else the organizers deem necessary for the promotion of the Circuit itself.
Though the organizers will attempt to treat all submitted work with the utmost care, they are not responsible for any damage or loss that may occur during the sending of entries, whatever the cause.
We inform you, according to the article. 13 and 14 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 of 04/27/2016, hereinafter referred to as GDPR (General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data), that the personal data provided as part of the international Gran Tour delle Colline, photography contest will be collected and recorded by the Circolo Fotografico Arno – on paper, electronic and / or computerized and / or telematics media- protected and treated in ways that ensure security and confidentiality in accordance with GDPR regulations. We inform you that the data provided to us will only be used for strictly related and instrumental purposes to the event. To this end, as part of the Initiative, your data may be published online on the competition website ((www.grantourdellecolline.it) or/and in the competition catalog. The data is required in order to be able to participate in the contest. We inform you that you may exercise in your capacity as an interested person, you have the rights referred to in art. 15 RGPD (including, by way of example, the rights to obtain confirmation of the existence of data concerning it and their intelligibly communication, the indication of the methods of processing, updating, rectification or integration of data, cancellation) by request without formalities to the Data Controller.
The owner of the data processing is the Circolo Fotografico Arno with legal headquarters in Via Roma 2 in Figline e Incisa Valdarno, Florence, through its own president, temporary, Eros Ceccherini.
FIAP PROVISIONS: I hereby expressly agree to FIAP document 018/2017 « Conditions and regulations for FIAP Patronage » and FIAP document 033/2021« Sanctions for breaching FIAP regulations and the red list ». I am particularly aware of chapter II « Regulations for International photographic events under FIAP patronage » of FIAP document 018/2017, dealing under Section II.2 and II.3 with the FIAP participation rules, the sanctions for breaching FIAP regulations and the red list.
Participation in the competition, with the mere fact of sending the photographs to the organizers, constitutes full and unconditional acceptance of these regulations, as well as of the FIAF Competition Regulations, and in particular, but not limited to, the full and unconditional acceptance of the chapters 4 (Presentable photographs) and 5 (Sanctions) with all their paragraphs.
Participants are emphasized that participation in Nature, Reportage, Photojournalism, World in Focus, Travel Images and / or “Traditional” (TRAD) sections, and limited to the photographs subject to Official Awards and Special Awards, presupposes the availability of the RAW files (or original photographs in the case of works deriving from scans) of the photographs presented and compliance with the rules governing their possible supply to the Competition Control Commission, in the event that the submitted photos are subject to verification of compliance with the FIAF Competition Regulations.
For this reason, participants in the Nature, Reportage, Photojournalism, Travel, Travel Images and TRAD defined themes sections must be in possession of the RAW file (or the original photographs in the case of works resulting from scans) of the photographs presented.
Furthermore, the organization of the competition asks the authors, whether awarded, registered or not registered with the FIAF, for proof of compliance with the Regulations by sending the RAW file of the same, for all the awarded and reported works.
The files must be sent immediately after the request from the organizer, “Circolo Fotografico Arno”, even before the publication of the official results, to allow verification of the correctness of the prize awarded to the work. The files in question must be sent to the organizer, email info@grantourdellecolline.it and to the FIAF competition control commission, email commissioncontrolloconcorsi@fiaf.net.
For the DIG and Portfolio sections for digital images, the works presented must retain the technical EXIF data (i.e. the technical Camera and Shooting data); for Nature Photos / Reportage / Travel Photos also conservation of geostationary data if available for the camera used; for aerial photographs from a drone, conservation of geostationary data in whatever section the photos are presented. It is mandatory to respect this EXIF data retention requirement for all new works that will be proposed by 2025 onwards, while the presence of such data is only desirable for those who have already had admissions in 2023 and 2024.
The complete text of the FIAF Competition Regulations, which is the responsibility of the participating author to know, is available on the FIAF website and can also be requested via email from the FIAF itself at the address: “. Participants in the Competition, both FIAF Members and non-Members, grant FIAF the possibility of managing their participation data and the images presented, both for the purposes of managing FIAF Statistics and the FIAF Sites responsible for collecting and disseminating the results of the Competitions Sponsored and recommended by it and the related images awarded and admitted.