313 PRIZES + 2100,00 US$
Awards for the Circuit:
The Best Author award will be awarded to the author who has obtained the highest number of accepted works. In the event of a tie, the total score obtained by the accepted works is valid. In case of further equality, the number of prizes obtained by the accepted works will be valid.
Absolute Best Author of the Circuit: Trophy and reimbursement of US$ 500,00 in Amazon vouchers.
Prizes for each Contest:
Best Author of the Contest: FIAP PIN and reimbursement of US $ 200,00 in Amazon vouchers.
Best Photo of the Contest: Trophy and reimbursement of US $ 200,00 in Amazon vouchers.
Best Photo of each Theme: FIAP Gold Medal.
Prizes for each Theme of each Contest:
TrofeoArno/Trofeo Città di Figline/Trofeo Colline del Chianti/ Trofeo Colline del Pratomagno
Open Color | Open Mono | World in Focus | Photo Journalism |
1 Gold Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Gold Medal (GPU) | 1 Gold Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Gold Medal (ISF) |
1 Silver Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Silver Medal (GPU) | 1 Silver Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Silver Medal (ISF) |
1 Bronze Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Bronze Medal (GPU) | 1 Bronze Medal (Gran Tour) | 1 Bronze Medal (ISF) |
3 Special Jury Prizes (FIAF Diploma) | 3 Special Jury Prizes (FIAF Diploma) | 3 Special Jury Prizes (ISF Diploma) | 3 Special Jury Prizes (ISF Diploma) |
12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon: 10 FIAP 2 GPU) | 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon: 10 FIAP 2 GPU) | 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon: 10 FIAP 2 GPU) | 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon:12 FIAP) |